When you are planning to move out of the home or the apartment you had rented or leased, then one worry that will be continuously nagging you is getting back your bond money. The bond money will most probably be a considerable amount and you wouldn’t want to lose out on it, would you?

But the home that you had cleaned up well should withstand the scrutiny of the landlord and only then you can get your bond money back. The landlord will see if the condition of the home is in the same way it was first rented out to you. To maintain that level of cleanliness, you need to take additional care and efforts, especially when you need to get your bond money back. So here are a few tips to get your bond money back in full

Clean out the messes then and there


Most of the time, the stains that had stayed over for a long time are the reasons why you won’t be getting back the whole amount of your bond money. To avoid such permanent setting of stains, it is important to clean out whatever mess you had made immediately. Don’t postpone the carpet cleaning lest you will let the stain set and it will be a major headache to get it off. Have a good quality cleaner to remove the stains and the minute you realize that you had stained, take out the cleaner and do a proper wipe. On most of the occasions, you will be able to remove the stains easily leaving no trace of it.

Photograph the home when you move in

This tip is for the landlords who are steadfast on cutting at least a portion of the bond money. Some landlords may claim the place to be cleaner before than it actually was and how can you justify your argument with no proof? So, take pictures of the place all around the time when you move in stamped with the date. When you feel that the landlord is bringing up silly issues, take out the pictures and get the air cleared.

Pay close attention to the lease agreement


When you are signing the lease, pay careful attention to it. If needed, make a copy and keep it in a reachable place so that you can get your doubts clarified in middle of your stay. There may be some terms in the lease agreement about using nails or changing certain designs and so on. So, before you make a change in the properties that came with the home, check the lease to see if it is allowable. It will give you one more reason to get your deposit back

Hire professional cleaners


When the situation of the cleanliness in the home has gotten out of hand, it is time to bring the professional cleaners in. You can hire end of lease cleaners from a reliable cleaning company at an affordable rate to clean down your total home when your bond money is at stake. These cleaners are highly equipped to clean down your entire house and clear out any stains that were previously difficult to remove. It will be a small price to pay the cleaners when compared to the huge bond money that is tied up with the cleanliness of your house.

When there is a big botched up stain visible on your home that you aren’t able to remove, don’t wait till the end of your lease to hire professionals to work on the home totally. You know very well what is at stake because of the stain – the loss of your bond money. Therefore, hire professional cleaners immediately to clean the stain and get the condition back to its original.

There is a lot of professional end of lease cleaning companies who work around the work and provide specific services as per your requirements like the Zero Spot Cleaners who provides one of the best spotless end of the lease cleaning in Melbourne.