Most of the cleaning products we use are so chemically concentrated that regular use of such products is bound to create some problems. On the other hand, we are compelled to use such products as the normal cleaning process isn’t sufficient to make the huge messes of stains we have made.

What is the solution then?

Homemade cleaning products!

You won’t believe how the natural ingredients in your kitchen could work with the same effectiveness as any pricey cleaning product laden with a lot of harsh chemicals. Making these cleaners at home doesn’t take up much time and can be used in the same way as you use any other cleaning product. Most of these homemade cleaners can be created in bulk quantities and store in a squirt bottle or a normal container and used for both regular and specialized cleaning. Now let’s look at some of the easy homemade cleaners that work like a charm to make your home neat and spotless!

The all-purpose cleaner


A cleaning combination that can be used for all kind of your regular cleaning purposes is baking soda. Baking soda can do wonders to all your stains and it is also a natural agent to get rid of germs helping you to keep the home clean and healthy.

Mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with one-quarter of warm water and store it a spray bottle. This can be used to remove the stains and grease from metal surfaces, carpet, kitchen counters, etc. This can also be added in your regular cleaning schedule when you clean appliances like the inside of oven, grills, and other similar kitchen appliances which have gathered a lot of grime.

Window cleaner

Every home has a special window cleaner to clean the glass windows in the home. Even a small dirt on the glass window will be visible and the hand marks and other stains on the window could settle over time and can actually spoil the look of the room.

To clean the windows and keep it back to its translucent clean, mix half a cup of vinegar with two cups of water and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. Mix the cornstarch until there are no lumps formed in it and it becomes a clear white color. Now add a few drops of lemon essential oil and grapefruit oil to the mixture and store it in a spray bottle.

You can use this spray bottle like a normal window cleaner and you can see how easy and smooth it is to clean the windows.

Grease cleaner

Grease is harder to clean and it takes so much effort to even remove the top layer of it. To clean the grease the natural way, take a half a cup of ammonia and mix it with one gallon of water. Now store this mixture in a spray bottle and use good portions of it to clean out all the grease from the BBQ grills, ovens, kitchen counters, etc.

Bathroom and toilet cleaner

Cleaning bathrooms and toilets are something that none of us looks forward to. But it is also one of the areas where there is a dire need for the natural cleaning product as our skin comes in contact with the surfaces a lot.
To clean the stubborn dirt on the toilet seat and on the walls near the shower, mix one cup of vinegar with half a teaspoon of tea tree essential oil. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray in on the surfaces where you want to clean. You can then use your normal cleaning supplies to clean the areas. If you think there are still some stains that just won’t go away, spray this mixture on the surface and sprinkle some baking soda over it and use a rough brush to clean out everything in one go.

Want to know more about creating your own DIY cleaning supplies?

Watch this video:

If you are looking for a professional end of lease cleaning in Melbourne, Zero Spot Cleaners can do a fantastic job of cleaning your entire home thoroughly with eco-friendly products. They provide specialized services like the end of cleaning, oven cleaning, commercial cleaning, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, stain removal cleaning, etc.